Thursday, March 26, 2015

Milestones: Sleeping

So, this blogging thing has been harder than I thought. Especially now that I am back at work, my weeknights are pretty much shot as far as free time goes. It's on my "to do" list every weekend, but so are a lot of other things that never actually get done.

Anyway, I just had a nice big iced coffee, Garrett is napping, and I'm multi-tasking. Trying to catch up on blogging while trying to watch some TV before the DVR reaches 100% full.

Garrett is six months old now. [Actually, seven months NOW... I seriously need to get better at posting these.] He has hit quite a few milestones. The first, which I have yet to blog about, is sleeping. I have been hesitant to write a post about sleep for a couple of reasons. First, because I really don't want to jinx it. And second, because I know it is a struggle for a lot of families. And just like when I see someone carrying their baby around in a carrier and they are not screaming bloody murder, it's not a good feeling to see or hear about someone else totally pulling it off when it's just not working for me.

But this is Garrett's blog and I want him to know how happy it has made his momma that he is such a good sleeper. It was halloween night the first time it happened. He slept for eight hours straight. I woke up in a panic at 5am and rushed into his room to make sure he was still breathing. This happened for three nights in a row, and then BAM... I got mastitis. I could barely get out of bed for the next three days, so Garrett's schedule was completely out of wack and so was his sleep. Oh, and not to mention, I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics so I was covered in hives even after I finally recovered. It was a rough time. And we were back to waking up every two to four hours. It was really hard to get a taste of sleep and then have it all taken away.

Things eventually got back on track. I got better, Garrett's schedule resumed, and his sleeping improved. He was still sleeping in a swing every night for the next month. I was so afraid to move him to his crib and mess it all up. He was having a hard time staying asleep one night. Aaron and I were taking turns going in and checking on him. And then Aaron decided to put him down in his crib. We spent the next two hours trying to get him to stay asleep in there. I did everything I could think of, including climbing in with him and nursing him to sleep. It finally worked. And he has been a good crib sleeping baby ever since.

He still won't nap in his crib during the day. But I'll take what I can get.

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