Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Year In Pictures

Well... eleven months in pictures... 12th month photo still to come!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Garrett Turns One

Happy First Birthday Garrett!! Wow... what a year it has been. Life changing. And difficult. But oh so great! Although it has been hard, babies are a LOT of work, Garrett is such a good baby. I know it could have been a million times harder and a million times more work. I am very grateful for the wonderful, happy, sweet little boy that we have.

We had a little party for the birthday boy this weekend. I tried to keep it simple. Aaron made ribs & tri-tip on the smoker. I did a green salad bar and made (yes, from scratch) macaroni salad & potato salad. The cupcakes were store bought and the decorations consisted of a dozen balloons I picked up while getting the cupcakes. That's it.

We had a few family and friends over. Garrett only made it about an hour and a half before he started to lose it. He missed his morning nap (of all days!!) and so we put him down for a nap mid-way through the party. And he slept... and slept... and slept through the whole party!

Once he finally woke up, the party continued, with the few that were still there :). We sang happy birthday and he had his very first cupcake! He didn't go crazy over it. But he had a few bites.

Here's to another year of growing up and whatever craziness comes along with it... I love you little man!!