Monday, December 29, 2014

Milestones: Rolling Over - Part II

He did it! He rolled over tummy to back! And I missed it... :(

We were in his room. I needed to pump. I put him down on his belly in his crib. I turned around to plug in the pump. And when I turned back he was on the side of his crib on his back! I was so amazed, since during all his tummy time so far, he hasn't shown any signs of trying to roll. Couldn't get him to do it again, but oh well. Pretty soon he'll be rolling around all over the place like its nothing. 

And in other unrelated news... the condo finally closed on the 23rd! I can't believe what a long ordeal that turned out to be. But its done and I'm happy and relieved and also a little sad to see it go. So with that, I decided it was also time to upgrade from the Jetta. Very sad to say goodbye last night... but SO excited for my new RAV4!!

I feel like such a grown up.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Milestones: Rolling Over - Part I

So tonight as we were hanging out in the living room... me on my iPad, Aaron watching UFC, Gabriel watching the video of his Christmas performance, and Garrett laying on the ottoman. On his back. At first. And then all of a sudden. He rolls over to his tummy!!

He has been "rolling" from his back to his side for a month now. And finally, like it was no big deal. He rolled all the way! No sign that he will be rolling from front to back anytime soon though. But stay tuned!!

Oh... and I should mention that he has been sleeping in his crib for two weeks now. And it's going pretty well.

We are also working on the bottle... not quite going so well.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Photographed: Maternity

As you may have noticed from the pregnancy post, I don't have a whole lot of pictures of me and my pregnant belly. So I thought it would be a great idea to do a professional maternity shoot. And of course I could think of no one better to do it than Mia Hope Photography.

The pictures turned out amazing! Here are a few of my favorites.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Flashback: Pregnancy

I had originally started this blog to document and share all things baby Garrett... beginning with the pregnancy. Well, me being the procrastinator that I am, I didn't get anything posted until after he was born. 

So, better late than never, here is a quick all-in-one post about my pregnancy... :)

We found out we were pregnant on December 13th!

We had our first ultrasound on January 6th!!

We found out we were having a boy on March 26th!!!

This also happened to be the same day I felt the first kick :)

Overall, I had a pretty easy pregnancy. A little morning sickness in the beginning, but it quickly passed. No real cravings, other than water. I was thirsty all the time!! It got more difficult as I got bigger, and it didn't help that it was the middle of summer. At the start of July I could no longer fit into any of my shoes and wore flip flops for months... even to work. My staple maternity outfit was a maxi skirt with a t-shirt or tank. I started my maternity leave on August 1st. Garrett was born on August 17th... just two days early. 

My very first maternity outfit (4 months)

6 months

8 months

I would say that I enjoyed my pregnancy. It was definitely uncomfortable towards the end. But I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again. As long as I don't relive Garrett's birth story too often... it's amazing how quickly you forget about the amount of pain and why you said "I will never do that again" just after he was born.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Catching Up with Pictures

Here's what we've been up to the last couple of months. 
September, October, and November. 

We took a five minute nap in our crib. 
Still a record for time spent sleeping in there.

We had lots of visits from Grandma.

We sat in our Bumbo. 
Right now, at 3 months, he no longer fits in the Bumbo. His chunky thighs are just too big for the leg holes. We need to get him a Jumbo Bumbo... for husky babies. ;)

We took our first road trip to Clovis to visit the Kirby's.

We grew out of most of our clothes. 

We mastered all things cuteness.

We completed our first 5K. 
Making Strides for Breast Cancer, thus the pink outfit. :)

We spent time with family.

We had our first visit to see Great Grandma Millie.

We watched the Giants win the World Series!

We dressed up for Halloween.

We spent lots of time at Grandma & Grandpa's.

We got lots of kisses from Dad.

We met a lot of new faces at Franklin Templeton.

We mastered tummy time.

We learned to play with our toys... and put everything in our mouth.

 We spent Thanksgiving with family.

Thanks for stopping by!! :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

3 Months

Garrett is 3 months old today!! I know... where has the time gone?!

He is now about 17 pounds. He loves his playmat and grabbing at the toys that hang. He will grab anything and put it in his mouth. He is constantly blowing bubbles and drooling like crazy. He will sit in the Bumbo and play with toys for a short amount of time. His chunky thighs get stuck in the leg holes when I pull him out! :) 

This morning I put him down on his mat in our room so I could take a shower. He kept rolling over on his side and I just knew that when I got out of the shower I would find him on his stomach and miss the first roll. But instead, I found this...

He just rotated about 90 degrees. 😜

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baby G

G is for Garrett.

G is for grunty. You grunt all the time. While sleeping, while nursing, all day, all night. You are my grunty baby. 

G is for gassy. Especially lately with all the spicy food I've been eating. You are getting much better at burping for momma (daddy can always get a good burp out of you) and that makes us all happy.

G is for grinning. You smile a lot! You have since day one. Pretty soon we'll get some real smiles out of you. But for now I am enjoying the post feeding, milk comma, sleeping with eyes open and rolling back in your head, mouth wide open that turns into this huge open mouthed smile (that I have yet to capture with my camera... grrr).

G is for growing. At almost a month old, you can't fit into your newborn clothes or diapers anymore. You love to sit up on the couch, with a little help from momma (or the pillow fort that dad built), and have even tried the bumbo for a very short amount of time. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Nursery

I am not much of a crafty person... especially compared to the party planners and Martha Stewarts in my circle of friends. However, Pinterest can be somewhat of an inspiration for me, which I credit for all the ideas for Garrett's nursery.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Week

It is amazing how life can change in just one week. 

I have spent more time staring at this face at all hours of the day and night than anything else in the last week... including sleeping. 

Here are some of the highlights of our first week...

Many visitors stopped by
We made our first trip to the ER (no worries... he was fine)

All snuggled up after a bath

First photo shoot with Mia Hope Photography (they are Awesome!)

Here's to many more firsts in the weeks to come :)