Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baby G

G is for Garrett.

G is for grunty. You grunt all the time. While sleeping, while nursing, all day, all night. You are my grunty baby. 

G is for gassy. Especially lately with all the spicy food I've been eating. You are getting much better at burping for momma (daddy can always get a good burp out of you) and that makes us all happy.

G is for grinning. You smile a lot! You have since day one. Pretty soon we'll get some real smiles out of you. But for now I am enjoying the post feeding, milk comma, sleeping with eyes open and rolling back in your head, mouth wide open that turns into this huge open mouthed smile (that I have yet to capture with my camera... grrr).

G is for growing. At almost a month old, you can't fit into your newborn clothes or diapers anymore. You love to sit up on the couch, with a little help from momma (or the pillow fort that dad built), and have even tried the bumbo for a very short amount of time. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Nursery

I am not much of a crafty person... especially compared to the party planners and Martha Stewarts in my circle of friends. However, Pinterest can be somewhat of an inspiration for me, which I credit for all the ideas for Garrett's nursery.