Monday, December 29, 2014

Milestones: Rolling Over - Part II

He did it! He rolled over tummy to back! And I missed it... :(

We were in his room. I needed to pump. I put him down on his belly in his crib. I turned around to plug in the pump. And when I turned back he was on the side of his crib on his back! I was so amazed, since during all his tummy time so far, he hasn't shown any signs of trying to roll. Couldn't get him to do it again, but oh well. Pretty soon he'll be rolling around all over the place like its nothing. 

And in other unrelated news... the condo finally closed on the 23rd! I can't believe what a long ordeal that turned out to be. But its done and I'm happy and relieved and also a little sad to see it go. So with that, I decided it was also time to upgrade from the Jetta. Very sad to say goodbye last night... but SO excited for my new RAV4!!

I feel like such a grown up.


  1. YAY for all of that! Can't believe you finally got a new car!

  2. The first of many rolls. :) And I can't wait to see the new car!
