Sunday, March 15, 2015

Back to Work

I started this blog post in February...

It's finally here. Garrett will be six months old on Tuesday the 17th. And exactly one week later, I will finally return to work. I have mixed emotions about that. I feel so lucky to have been able to spend this time with him. But I am ready to go back to my job. Taking care of a baby all day (and all night) is hard work!! I have so much respect for stay at home moms.

I actually started working part time at home (with Garrett) in January. When the situation presented itself, I thought it would be a nice transition back into my job, plus it would give me an extra month at home. He wouldn't need to start daycare, and I wouldn't need to commute to the office. But man oh man, it has been harder than I expected.

My mom has been coming up to take care of Garrett twice a week and the other days, I just work during his naps. Seems easy enough. But what I didn't think about is that I get NO break. When I'm not working, I am taking care of Garrett, running errands, showering (most days ;)) and trying to fit in laundry and housework when I can. And as soon as he conks out, I go right back upstairs to my office and back to work until he wakes up again. And it doesn't help that I'm not getting enough sleep on top of all of that.

So Garrett will start daycare on Monday and I start work on Tuesday. I will have one whole day all to myself!! Well, after I get a couple hours of work in. But with no baby, it will be easy peasy! :)  I have scheduled a much needed massage that morning and a much more needed hair appointment that afternoon. So excited!!

And now here we are almost a month later....

Being back at work has been good. Busy, but good to be back on a daily schedule. Getting up, taking a shower (!!) and going to work everyday. I do have to say I enjoy my weekends a lot more than I used to. Especially the ones where I have no plans. So much more relaxing and a lot less "lazy" feeling.

Garrett is doing absolutely great at daycare. Since day one. No tears at the first drop off, none from Garrett and none from me! He loves being around the other kids and the daycare ladies are all so sweet and just love Garrett. Of course. He is such a happy baby!

Making new friends
Ready for mealtime.
Daycare activities (some kind of painting going on in that tupperware).

Trying so hard to crawl!
Pajama Day


  1. Linds, he is so darn cute!!! I want to pinch those cheeks! It's funny, our back to work schedules sound so similar. With ella, I went back part time (from home) after 8 weeks. It was supposed to be 20 hours a week, but I quickly realized there was NO WAY. And I swore I wouldn't do it again with a second baby. Live and learn!! So glad daycare is going well!!

  2. I freaking love how stinking cute he is!!! So glad you had an easy adjustment. :)
